
The Same Letters Don't Explain Enough

Songs of Simplicity Sing of Sincerity
Like Leaves Lingering for Luxury
Sinking Sleeplessly in the Sea of Serenity
Limpers, Leap for Love and Life

for Grand and Gorgeous is the God of Grace
Mighty and Marvelous like Maverick Mountains
Gestures like Guesses of Gold and Glory
Make My Movements More than Motion

Pretty and Praiseworthy, Precious and Pristine
Writer of my Restoration and Wreckage and Reason
Protector of my Progression and Procession
Write unto me a Romance of Redemption from Wrong

even Alliteration won't Assist in Amending Your Assurance
For it's Forever and Fervent, Fresh and Faithful
You've Aided me in All of my Aches and Alleviation
so For life, I will Feast on Your Freedom

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