
The Morning Room

Step close, step closer, to the fire of disbelief
Let me whisper in your ear the sights of my eyes
Search less, search lesser, and become what you find
You haven't won anything at all

Turn in, turn inner, turn in on your body
Creep in on the vices of pills and riches and gold
Die slow, die slower, this will be the death of us all
You're making your own tomb stone

Rest easy, rest easier, rest easy the head of your faith
You can't serve two masters, and not one will save you
Sign quick, sign quicker, the contract of your honesty
It's Him or me or the soil you burn

Shine bright, shine brighter, the son of heaven will look upon you
And maybe you'll float with soft wings to a place you know as bliss
Fall black, fall blacker, and meet me face to face
I'll be all you see, they call me the son of the morning

I am the bearer of light, the contradiction you'll love me for

For I am Lucifer

1 two cents' worth:

Unknown said...

This. This is it.