
Bye Bye, Blue Honey

I smile a lot
At the lovely moving things
Screaming Hello creation
I am born, renewed from dust

I am not the cornerstone
I am not my own
These thoughts are not mine
But to my hands can they be sure
Of what I messily write them to

A bird flew past the dead
I wish to steal my life back
Says the metaphorical corpse
Tradition, religion, I speak not of, I reply
You can steal away my life
But you can't steal away my reason for it

I can sing of relationship
Unseen by eyes, the greatest picture by faith
Do you choose like I do?
Stretch out your broken wrists, open your painful hands

We all are
Like a gift wrapped in a blanket of divinity and a tree

Do you smell so sweet, like honey in the air
But you have swallowed me enough, ocean to world, rain to earth
You are my blue honey, once in my hands
But I open wider, not mine no more

I am a wretch in love
With the one with healing stripes

1 two cents' worth:

Unknown said...

oh simon
this is beautiful and sad