
Why, Rough Day

The morning sky opens bright
With the catched sight of red blood
From the most intelligent places
And the most unseen circumstances
That tear your eyes open
Like the walls that we think come down

And then the dream, the example of sacrifice
We embrace, we are desperate, I am trying
With all strength found, I hold on to you
I see you, I don't let go, just as the sun hangs on to the earth
My tears will soak your shoulder
And we will fall to our knees

So I dream, but comes the horror
The scream, the plead, the knife
My back destroyed, the flesh violated
It makes a way to the heart, just like love
But do not fret, do not be afraid
For this is just a dream

But once it was alive from before, from years ago
When our two halves were made whole
Through the holes of His wrists
Where tears and blood overflowed
But all the same, where grace and love was poured over the earth
As this oil is poured over our heads today

Love never fails

1 two cents' worth:

Anonymous said...

that was beautiful, thank you.

my favourite:
"...I don't let go, just as the sun hangs on to the earth".