
keep your ghost

in a forever ago, i felt like i knew a ghost
that felt so certain, that felt like skin
but i had never sifted his pages
did i know it then?

but these ghosts know us, from all fours to our twos
they sing and dance and rejoice over us
every word i uttered and murmured
was like sweet aroma

and as a child, i sang to you and knew your name
but those eyes could not see that high
or know those realities quite yet
still, they knew you like air

but the ground must shake, the doubt must rise
and no one is as sure of that air anymore
no one understands a realm of the greater i
once that ground opens, it will consume

i sang by the weeks, i knew you then
and i know you now, but to what extent
there's mercy for my soul, and this i know
but its stains take it for more

in a second ago, i thought i knew a ghost
i say its for certain, i say its my skin
and though i sift through it pages and write its words
how well do i know you now?

0 two cents' worth: